Dates on which you will pay to visit Venice
The dates on which it will be necessary to book and pay a daily entrance ticket to enter Venice will be 29 and not 30 as initially planned.
It is very important to underline that among the excluded categories, guests of hotels in Mestre and Venice are also exempt , as they already pay the tourist tax to the Municipality of Venice.
“It is not a revolution, but the first step in a process that regulates the access of daily visitors – said the mayor of Venice Luigi Brugnaro . “ An experiment that has the aim of improving the liveability of the city, of those who live there and those who work there. We will carry it forward with great humility and with the awareness that there may be problems. The margins for error are wide, but we are ready, with humility and courage, to make all the changes needed to improve the procedure. Venice is the first city in the world to implement this process, which could be an example for other fragile and delicate cities that need to be safeguarded”.
NOTES AND EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY: This site is not managed by the municipality of Venice, any information contained therein is to be considered valid at the date of publication of the article, for any update or additional information, refer to the dedicated page on the website of the City of Venice: http://cda.ve.it
The exemptions
The list of exemptions provided is very important , given that some unclear information has also alarmed tourists who wish to stay in a hotel in Mestre and Venice, guests of hotels in the municipal area are in fact exempt from paying the ticket to visit the city.
They are also excluded from payment but in some cases they will have to book or register on the platform1 :
- RESIDENTS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF VENICE : they will be able to demonstrate their condition with simplified methods. This concession is also available for those born in Venice (showing an identity document).
- PROPERTY OWNERS NOT RESIDENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY and their family unit: they will have to register on the platform to obtain a QR Code valid all year round (if up to date with the IMU payment).
- WORKERS who have to reach the Ancient City occasionally for their business and STUDENTS on a trip or educational visit: they will NOT have to pay the contribution, BUT they will have to book indicating the dates of their presence in the City (if days with a stamp).
- STUDENTS, including commuters, of institutions of all levels with a
stable operational headquarters in the Ancient City and WORKERS, employees and self-employed, including commuters, with a stable operational headquarters (even temporary) in the Ancient City : they will NOT have to pay the fee, BUT they will be able to register on the platform to obtain a single QR Code for a continuous period.
In summary1 , for a one-day visit to Venice on the days in which the trial is active, the following must compulsorily BOOK (but are exempt from the access fee ): tourists staying in facilities in the Municipality of Venice, temporary residents, residents in Veneto, children under 14 years of age, people with certified disabilities and companions, those in need of medical visits or therapies, companions or visitors of hospital patients, athletes for CONI sporting events in the ancient city, tenants, spouses, relatives up to to the third degree and people visiting residents in the ancient city (non-exhaustive list, complete list art. 5 of the Regulation).
The Ticket
Payment and booking must be made directly in an area of the Municipality of Venice website at this address: http://cda.ve.it , or via counters (automatic or otherwise).
The contribution will be due for those who enter Venice from 8.30 am to 4 pm . The contribution will not be applied to the smaller islands including the Lido of Venice (including Alberoni and Malamocco), Pellestrina, Murano, Burano, Torcello, Sant’Erasmo , Mazzorbo, Mazzorbetto, Vignole, S. Andrea, the Certosa, San Servolo, S. Clemente, Poveglia.
ATTENTION : The documents certifying the payment of the access fee or the condition of exclusion or exemption must be kept and shown upon request to the personnel in charge of the controls.
The Municipal Administration can use the tools provided for by the legislation for the recovery of tax evasion and evasion and in particular carry out checks, inspections and inspections by personnel authorized for this purpose at the main access points of the City.
Administrative sanction from 50 euros to 300 euros (+10 euros of the access fee), with the possibility of reporting pursuant to the Criminal Code and special laws on the matter to anyone who makes false statements, forms false documents or uses them in the cases provided for by the Regulation.
The ticket will cost €5 per person/day.
Now it’s time to talk about the dates on which it will be necessary to book and pay an entry ticket to Venice (for those who are not exempt) in 20241 .
The first day will be April 25th, from here until May 5th every day, and then continuing on Saturdays and Sundays in May (11th and 12th, 18th and 19th, 25th and 26th), the same in June (8th and 9th, 15 and 16, 22 and 23, 29 and 30), while in July there will only be 4 days: 6 and 7, 13 and 14.
NOTES AND EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY: This site is not managed by the municipality of Venice, any information contained therein is to be considered valid at the date of publication of the article, for any update or additional information, refer to the dedicated page on the website of the City of Venice: http://cda.ve.it